Everyday Mindfulness
compiled from many sources....
**(Practice in an “experiencing, curious” mindset instead of a “judging, evaluating” mindset.)**
Mind your feet while you’re shopping. Bring awareness to your steps and the sounds of walking.
Mind your chair while you’re working/using the Internet. Become aware of points of connection and pressure.
Change the order of how you get dressed or put on your shoes.
Change the way you drink tea/coffee for the day. If you’re used to no sugar, add sugar just once. The point is to become aware of patterns and how hard it is to break them.
When you have to wait for something (grocery line, computer starting up, etc.), breathe consciously. If you are standing, notice the 4 corners of each of your feet on the ground.
When cleaning the house be aware of every step of cleaning. Notice the sounds, smells, etc.
Take two mindful bites. For the first two bites of any meal pay attention to sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and texture.
5 for 5! Notice five things you can see. Notice five things you can hear; Notice five things you can feel (shoes, pants, hair against forehead etc.)
When you’re annoyed at waiting for a traffic light, or anything else for that matter, just SMILE and breathe.
Use your left hand to eat if you are right-handed (or vice versa). Be aware of the awkwardness.
Be aware of yourself and your 5 senses when showering.
Be aware of the feel of your teeth, the smell and taste when brushing your teeth
Listen to the music behind the music, until you can hear each instrument and voice.
Be mindful of each leaf that falls and realize that you, being conscious, are seeing this as no one else sees it, in this exact way.
Put a sticker on your remote control and every time you see it, take a conscious breath and notice what is going on in this moment.
Put a small rock in your pocket and whenever you feel it, take a deep breath and bring awareness to your thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations for 15 seconds.
Put a rubber band around your wrist and every time you notice it, think about your values and who you want to be in this very moment. Take a deep breath and go back to what you were doing.
Practice yoga (YouTube has many free lessons). Yoga is very consistent with mind-body, non-judging practices. You breathe through a difficult pose to gain strength and flexibility…just like in life. It is also great for your health.
Scan your body from head to toe looking for sensations of tension. Notice them but don’t attempt to change them. Send breath to them to give them more space to exist.
Download a free App such as “Stop, Breathe, and Think”, “Chill” or “Tiny Buddha” to help remind you to check-in several times per day.
Buy a mindfulness book for more ideas such as “The Mindfulness Solution: Everyday Practices for Everyday Problems” by Ronald Siegel.